Denise's Corner Office
 Call us: 610-990-7870
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Real Estate Virtual Assistant
Real Estate Assistance From A Distance
Welcome to Denise's Corner Office
Denise’s Corner Office was created to help satisfy the growing needs of Realtors who required the needs of a professional assistant using a Virtual Office Platform. All of my services are designed to save you the expense of on-site personnel; without sacrificing customer service or your reputation.

I specialize in supporting Realtors who are active on the Listing and Selling sides of a transaction. I also offer Settlement Transaction Coordination, Advertising, Marketing Support, Financial Expense Management, and Customer Service Support prior to, during and following the transaction.

My systems and services are designed to support all Realtors at every level of production. They are fully customizable and not franchise or company specific.

My Virtual Assistant Services are affordable. Your time is too valuable. Why waste anymore time stuck behind a desk doing paperwork when you could be creating another opportunity or closing a new deal.

My Goal For You Is Simple…
“Help You to Grow Your Business and Improve Your Way of Life.”

Denise Trejo

For more information please:
Contact Us
Do you need a Virtual Assistant?
  • Are you having problems keeping track of your appointments?

  • Are you overwhelmed by your "To-Do" list?

  • Do you wish there were more hours in the day?

  • Are you overwhelmed with administrative tasks that keep you from seeking out new clients and new listings?

  • Are you able to keep up with your Lead Generation?

  • Do you have no time for Training or Education?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, Denise’s Corner Office is your answer to the above questions and more!